Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back with a Thought

OK, I know that no one reads this blog, but I've been waiting for something to actually write for a long time now. Finally, I got something on my chest I want to get out.

America is full of stupid people. Yeah, I know, that's not exactly breaking news.

We have a country that over 80% say we are on the wrong track, so who do they want to vote for? John freakin' McCain. What? This guy is just like Bush on all the important points. Stay in Iraq? Yes More tax cuts for the top 1% of Americans? Yes Drill off our coast lines for more oil? Yes Hey, how about a tax break on Gas so that the oil companies can just up their price and get more profit? Yes.

Come on America, you may not think Obama is all that and a bag of chips, but he's much better than the alternative.

Stop buying into all this tax and spend liberal crap, all this "he's a Muslim" and "he's SCARY"...WOOOOOO. He's not a Muslim and he offers a tax BREAK for people under $100000. He is talking about going back to the tax rates that were in place under the Clinton years,which last I looked, weren't too bad. You would think from the Republican echo chamber that he was proposing some 100% tax increase. WAKE UP!

The man offers us a chance to turn the tide on our direction. I'm tired of the foreign policy where we just say we have the biggest dick in the world, so we can do whatever we want. We NEED others. We don't have to take orders, but we have to LEAD others in a way that accomplishes our goals. Most of the world wants what we want, but they don't go along because of our arrogance. It's time for a leader that understands that honey catches more flies than vinegar. It's time for America to realize that people around the world know we are the leaders of the free world and we don't have to rub their noses in it.

In short, it's time for a change. You won't get one with McCain. Don't vote in fear. If you do, don't keep bitching about the way our country is going cause you are just as responsible as anyone.

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