Sunday, July 27, 2008

“You always fear, what you don’t understand”

Well,well,well, it looks as though the right wingers aren't going to wait until August to go into defcon 1 mode.

Really, is there anything more amusing than the idiotic rants of frothing wingers and their incessant cries of communism and socialism? I think not. Many don't even seem to understand the definition of communism or socialism but recite them ad nausem.

Let's see, we have the communism smear, the socialist smear, the "he doesn't like the military" smear,the "he's not a real American" smear, the "he's scary" smear, His wife isn't sufficiently enough proud of her country smear and the always good, he's going to tax everything smear.

The question is, will America finally wake up and see these smears for what they really are this time? Scared trope coming from a group desperately trying to hold on to what power they can keep. Unable to realize that people are fed up with the anger,lying and condemning.

It's fear people. Just out and out fear. Don't fall for it this time. Please, do research, find out if what people are saying is really true. Got to

learn the truth, don't take someone's word.

Oh,forgot the most insidious smear they have....did I tell you that Obama was black??

WAKE UP, PEOPLE. VOTE SMART. KNOW THE ISSUES. If you like McCain, fine, but don't vote against someone because of bold faced lies. KNOW THE TRUTH.